Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wisdom from Above: the call & response list from Sunday

Trying to remember those words you repeated aloud on Sunday?
  • pure
  • peace-loving
  • considerate
  • open to reason
  • straightforward and sincere
  • rich in mercy
  • kind in deed

The list, in greater context, is taken from the New English Bible (Oxford U Press 1970) which was one of the first 'modern" translations.

James 3:13 - 18
Who among you is wise or clever? Let his right conduct give practical proof of it, with the modesty that comes of wisdom. But if you are harbouring bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, consider whether your claims are not false, and a defiance of the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes from above; it is earth-bound, sensual, demonic. For with jealousy and ambition come disorder and evil of every kind.

But wisdom from above is in the first place pure; and then peace-loving, considerate, and open to reason; it is straightforward and sincere, rich in mercy and in the kindly deeds that are its fruit. True justice is the harvest reaped by peacemakers from seeds sown in a spirit of peace.

Stewardship infects Burnsville First Presbyterian Church!!

It's true. Our congregation is and has been able to discern need and respond faithfully. Now on the heels of our successful capital fund campaign, we need to assure our operating budget for 2007 -- sustaining last year's funding level. While this goal does not reflect the growth in the need for our Master's work, it recognizes the sacrificial circumstances of our current situation.

Nonetheless, our congregation is growing, so we are moving forward in faith. We are seeking 65 pledges for 2007, rather than the 56 pledges received in 2006.

Please pray for our success in 2007 pledging as we enter October – our traditional Stewardship Month and check the blog periodically for our progress reports.

--Bob McFerren

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Welcome Baby Gabriel

Welcome Baby Gabriel Glenn Davis - born Sunday September 17.

Please call Wanda (the ridiculously proud grandma) if you would like to arrange a time to bring the new family a meal.


Sunday, September 10, 2006


Our total pledges received to date: $294,480

Praise be to God.

Thank you to those of you, through your works, prayer, and generosity, helped make God's dream, become our dream, become reality.

And then...
... we celebrated!

Monday, September 04, 2006


We Have Met Our Goal!


And we think there are a few more pledges coming in yet this week. So, COME, attend the Celebration Picnic on Sunday, September 10, after church. Bring a salad or a dessert to share. (We'll provide meat and drink.) We will announce our GRAND TOTAL that Sunday at our celebration picnic.

The "P-word" in this instance is PARTY! God has truly made his love known and we are in awe of his abundant blessings.

Thank you to everyone who was involved with this campaign. Thank you to all those of you who have prayed for us during this time. Thank you to all of you who pledged and contributed.

Thank you, God!