Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stewardshipt Committee Update

A great first step!

One of life's pleasures is taking a walk with dear friends in the midst of Fall's glory, feeling the nurture of affection and bonding, Better, it is soul - satisfying to know that we are, together, walking in our Master's footsteps. So it is that we have started our faith and stewardship walk toward 2007!

As of dedication Sunday, October, 29, 2006, our church has received 47 Pledge Cards for commitments of $99,698.00 in 2007, Of the 47 pledges received, 16 were first-time pledges, and we welcome our newly committed friends to our walk, thanking God for all of our journey's cherished companions.

Although 24 of those that made commitments for 2006 have not yet done so for 2007, we believe this is simply and typically just tardiness – and certainly not totally unexpected! (Reminders will be forthcoming.) With the 47 in hand and 24 potential pledges we will exceed our goal of 65 pledges for 2007.

It's going to be a great walk!

We thank you and praise God for your participation. Congratulations -

The Stewardship Committee