Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Moving Mountains

One week later, and the back yard is ready for the green grass to start growing.

Diving Right In!

We may joke about a pool being dug in the Laughrun House yard, but that’s how construction projects go: Nothing quite goes according to plan and unexpected expenses come up. We’re diving right in, though, because we feel strongly that this necessary work, God’s work, for our church and we’re going to do it right. Please help however you can.

You’ve heard the phrase Measure twice, cut once. (And the female variation: Cook once, eat twice.) Well, the New Life campaign actively espouses both philosophies: We have measured what we needed, measured what we’re receiving, added an extra cup of hope and faith, and a pinch or two of yeast to stretch what we’ve got. We’re going to do these renovations I once and we’ll enjoy them for years to come. Now is the time to step up.

The Building and Grounds Committee has been working its tail off to trim extra expenses and economize… and has re-adjusted our projected expenses to $300,000. (This took days of back-and-forth and difficult decisions.) Even with these adjustments, we still need additional (or enlarged) pledges to make it.

If you would like information/pledge-cards/envelopes sent to you, please call or email the church .
You'll notice there is a new door cut into the left side of the wall which was not there before.
Surprise!  But now the Fire Marshal is happy.

  • The plumber and electrician should start roughing in the bathrooms this week 
  • Flagstone will being taken up in front of the church 
  • Roofing materials should be delivered this coming week & work on the roof begin within the next two weeks

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Have you responded yet?

Our goal is to raise $350,000 in pledges so that we can accomplish all our renovation/upkeep projects.  We’re not there yet.  However, we are missing many responses.  We are very hopeful that once the rest of the pledge cards come in we will exceed our goal.

Right now, what is important is that we get 100% response.  It is vitally important that you fill out a pledge card so that we know where we stand as a congregation.  You can find and turn in pledge cards in the narthex.  We have also tucked them in the “Friendship Pads” found on each pew bench.  These can also be turned in with the offering, or mailed to the church.  If you’d like us to mail you pledge card, please call the church or email us at firstpres@frontier.com.

Our totals as of last Sunday put us at $271,000.  So, we still have some work to do.  

Progress... and Pool?

First... here's a look at the progress on the bathrooms:

Then the folks fixing the storm sewer drain decided, Hey, wouldn't it be great if First Presbyterian had a pool?  Actually, these were the necessary measures to fix the drainage problem.  Surprise!

I take this rhododendron as a sign/reminder, you can bloom anywhere... uprooted from your home, in stressful circumstances, exposed...  Bloom anyway.  Your roots are strong.