Tuesday, October 17, 2006

There is work to be done.

Here is the list that Pat has made of tasks remaining at the Laughrun House. Remember, we can't actually start using our new gift until it has been made ready.

You may leave a reply here on the blog to claim your "burning bush," or you can email the church.

Outside Work
- Trim shrubs
- Remove plants from along the edge of the street
- Take down fence
- Reinstall the fence 20 feet back from the street
- Cut down the Norway spruce
- Repair the roof of the shed
- Clean out gutters
- Caulk vent pipe at roof above large bath
- Clean the roof line behind chimney at back edge of roof

Inside Work
- Painting
Maggie’s office
Living room area
Sunday School room

- Electrical
Run ground loop length of house in the basement
Put in ground wire in office receptacles
Install light fixture in breakfast nook
Install motion detector fixture on front right corner of house